Whoever said creating a blog was easy?? I'd love to have their skills and expertise because this sure was a long research process for me! I read a blogging help book and it didn't help, very thorough but very confusing as well! Then I pinned and read all the Pinterest resources and I think that only convinced me further that I didn't have what it took. Notes jotted down everywhere, bookmarks on my computer and of course pins saved on my board 'Blog Log'! Finally, I simply said to myself "I can do this", but just from my first post I see this is going to be a learning curve, as I am technologically challenged!
Back one year ago we built my first, real, crafting space which I'll share with you later and I wanted it to be finished before I started the blog thing. Next, well of course I needed a good camera as the posts are all about the great pics right? Well then I had to learn how to use it and stockpile some images for the posts I had in mind to do. I photographed ocean scenes, sunsets and sunrises, our beaches, flowers in my garden, my bichon and of course the crafts I attempted in my new room! Whew! Where did the year go?
So as I was saying I've just created a blog....Sea Trace Creations. The name took awhile to settle on but it points to my love of the sea and since I live on an island I'm surrounded by it. I love to watch the wild wave action we get around here, love the roar you can hear sometimes even inside my house! Then there's the smell of the saltwater...no other way to describe it except....it smells like home! The second word Trace refers to my name of course and the fact that I love old things, exploring where I came from, tracing back to the past. When I walk our beaches it's nice to find old items that have been washed ashore or uncovered by the tides. The last word, well I love to create things whether it's with paint, glue, thread or even mud! I make things to hear the chuckle out of someone's reaction over what I created or give myself a challenge in the process of making it... that's just simply me!
I hope you'll stay and enjoy either the photos or the stories that go with them and "keep me company" too! That's a local phrase we use often so that a person won't become lonely without you visiting. See-you soon.
Great job Trace.....Congratulations on getting your blog on the go! Love your pictures and looking forward to seeing more.
Wonderful job, Trace. Keep it up.
Thanks again Doris for your kind words and support and I hope to offer much more as I get my feet wet at this new adventure!